When You Feel Lost and Broken: 5 Ways to Tame the Emotional Storm

Health Is PowHer Podcast Episode 82

When You Feel Lost and Broken

There are so many times in my life and my patients’ lives that we can feel lost, meaningless, and broken.

You may feel totally ungrounded, disassociated from everything, distanced from other people, directionless, and without answers to how to fix it.

It sometimes feels like a gray cloud surrounding you.

And you feel like no one understands you, and you feel like you are alone.  

But you’re not. Because even the most energetic, willful, motivated people can experience this moment. Including me. 

And this feeling is such a pivotal moment in our lives - and it’s totally completely normal to feel this way - because we are experiencing a phase of personal and spiritual growth.

This feeling is just a message. Guiding us towards our true destiny, awakening our best selves, our path so that we can share our gifts and authentic talents with the world.  Becoming who we are instead of what other people want us to be. Instead of impressing other people or worrying about other people’s opinions of us.  

Sometimes we feel left out or don’t fit into a specific culture at work, or at home, with certain family members.  And that’s okay, because we are meant for something else. 

We may feel jumbled and our insides just feel like chaos.  But chaos is always necessary for change and growth.  Chaos creates a clean slate for our true energetic imprint to manifest. 

When you feel lost, you are meant to be found.  

When you feel broken, you are meant to be whole.  

These feelings are just a message. We don’t have to dwell on them, or let it completely derail us into a downward spiral of depression.  

Just listen… 

Every time, I’ve felt lost and broken and far removed from my purpose, it always meant I had to walk a different path.  I had to move on.  I had to grow. I had to become my true self despite friends, colleagues, family telling me differently.  They don’t know what’s best for you. Only you do. 

What Can You Do To Overcome Feeling Lost or Broken?

Write it Out

By writing it out on paper or on your favorite journal/diary app, you become aware of this challenge and the feelings bleed out.

Here's our podcast episode 54 show notes on writing and journaling.

And somehow you let it out of you.  You release what no longer serves you. 

You don’t have to write beautifully, or in prose, or perfectly. You don’t even have to know what to write. You can write nonsense at first, and somehow the words will come out of you. 

Here’s just a little excerpt of mine when I felt lost, a piece of vulnerability just for you:

writing when you feel lost and broken

  1. Meditate On Your Power

Allow yourself to sit with your spirit and your higher power just for a few moments. Feel the strength of your spirit coming forth to guide you during this time. 

Rest in the knowledge that everything is going to turn out so incredible for you, even better than you could have imagined.  You are not alone and you are loved.  Give yourself this gift and this time to feel it. 

Trust Yourself

Accept that you are here on this Earth to grow and learn and strengthen your spirit, your higher self. You are here to be loved and to love. You are here to connect with your true self, and with others. 

Here's our podcast episode show notes on "How to Trust Yourself".

Let go of past mistakes, regrets, and weaknesses. Believe in yourself.  You are more powerful than you know.  

Ask for Help

Asking for help is sometimes more difficult for those of us feeling lost and broken.  We don’t want to appear weak, or worse, damage our reputation.  But the people who should be in your life do truly want to help you. 

And if you just can’t take that step, that’s okay too.  You can always ask God, your higher power, the universe, your spirit guides, angels, whatever your belief system is. Just ask. Repeat. And ask again.  Believe that what you ask for will come true.  Because the power of your belief and the words you say are more influential than you know. 

Think about how far you’ve come

Just thinking positive thoughts changes our reality.  When we think of our past, often we look at the shame, the hardships, the difficulties. But when we have more control of our thoughts, we have more control of the way our body feels.

In our integrative wellness foundations program, we do a deep dive on just that.  How our thoughts send vibrations to each cell and tissue, changing it for good or for worse - all depending on a positive or negative thought.

And the more we think about our strengths and how much we can love and give (not only to others but to ourselves) - it produces endorphins and the feel good chemicals in our body, making us feel elated and unstoppable. 

Give it a try. And feel free to share with me over @heath_is_powher. 



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