Fear of the Unknown

Health Is PowHer Podcast Episode 71 with Dr. Anna Esparham, MD

fear of the unknown having faith

This episode comes at a crossroads in many of our lives when we feel afraid to step out into faith - into the unknown. We have all come across times and situations in our lives when we worried ourselves to the point of exhaustion and, even, health symptoms of anxiety, or worse, exacerbations of chronic illness. We feel the fear pervade our very being, ungrounding us. Sometimes, it even feels like we’re being pulverized from the inside out, or being blown away from so many outside forces. 

We ask ourselves:

What if our health doesn’t turn around - when that doctor said I’d have to be on this medication for life?  What if I don’t heal?  

What if we break up or I lose my spouse and who will take care of me?

How am I going to financially support my family without this job? 

Will my business ever turn around?

What if my child doesn’t succeed in school because of his or her ADHD?

We face the unknown every day and we do it through stepping into our faith. Faith that we have the power as God’s creation (call the Source/Creation/Universal power what you will), created in his image, to be guided to new and wonderful beginnings.

Sometimes that means the rebirth process gets a little harsh if we allow it - that worry to fester within and create scenarios in our mind for the benefit of our survival that we have to summon every possible way out of the uncertainty we face.

Our mind does its job to help us survive, but we can let it overrun us. When we let it get too loud, anxiety and depression may arise. 

Not knowing or just accepting that you don’t know is the first step in the whole process.  We don’t have to know how these miracles in our lives transform us. 

Connecting with your spirit and a power that is greater than you, that always has your back and knows your blueprint, helps keep you grounded and at peace. 

Trust in the spirit, your spirit to guide you to where your gifts truly shine, to what you’re meant to be doing, or to learn what you need to connect with love and light throughout this journey on earth.

You are always being held, supported, nurtured, and guided by an incredible source of light and love. 


Dr. Anna, MD



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