Your Inner World Reflects Your Outer World

Health Is PowHer Podcast Episode 69with Dr. Anna Esparham, MD

inner harmony creates outer harmonyOver the last few months of a stressful move and work turmoil, I came to an epiphany that what if I’m creating this turmoil by feeling out of sorts, stressed, overwhelmed, and pulled in one too many directions.This is how the law of consciousness works - what we think, believe, and how we feel manifests in our reality.  Like calls to like. Our inner world mirrors our outer world and our outer world mirrors our inner world.When we feel inner peace, our relationships, workplace, life also brings us peace.  When our rooms are clean and fresh and our home has good energy and is tidy, our mind feels more at ease and we are more clear-headed and may even have more energy.There is incredible power in knowing this law - that we have the ability to create our world, environment, relationships, career, and health. God created us in his image and so we have his natural ability to create.  But we also have great responsibility that we can create the problems that arise in our life as well if we aren’t careful with our thoughts, belief systems, and feelings.At first moving 4 hrs away to a rural area was adventurous and exciting and fun until I started becoming exhausted and needed some time to rest, I started getting a little stressed, overwhelmed inside.And that’s when my world started to become even more overwhelming. Things started to break, credit cards stopped working, health accounts got shut down, house appliances stopped working, plumbing got clogged, and then it trickled into the workplace where a toxic culture ensued with difficult situations and hardships to deal with. And then of course health issues started to rise.And so I chose to be at peace. Through all the chaos around me, I chose to be happy. I choose joy. I choose comfort. I choose health and relaxation.And when you feel inner harmony, all the situations that surround you that have been annoying, irritating, tiresome that caused you grief start to dissipate and don’t hold its power over you as it once did. It doesn’t seem to bother you as much, and the problems get resolved on their own.Be in love with yourself, care for yourself, enjoy being with yourself despite all that goes on around you. You are worthy of an amazing life with this one true gift of being yourself to give to the world.Choosing to not let others sway you or make you react emotionally. You are strong and can get through any situation without being tormented. You can manifest solutions to every issue, work situation, life situation that arises. Let the outcome flow and if it’s also meant to happen it will.This is how to achieve your innermost desires. To be in pure joy. Because what you believe and feel inside manifests itself into reality. It is the simple Biology of Belief - a great book by Dr. Bruce Lipton who studied the vibration of our thoughts and how it influences our own cellular physiology.Your feelings and emotions are your constant guide, your intuition that helps you make decisions and react to situations. They can get overrun and out of control, and that’s where the wonderful practice of mindfulness comes in so handy is to constantly be aware of these emotions while not letting them control us.Being in a state of harmony is our natural state - the natural state that we can create in our lives as well. Always make happiness and joy a priority in your life.And the more we trust ourselves to just naturally be who we are so we can do the things we’re meant to, means more abundance for each and every one of us.


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