Meditation at home - all you need is your phone

Stressed? Feel the need to relax more? Maybe your phone is part of the problem, but thanks to great technology, it can also be a solution. Put it to work for your daily mind-body therapy routine.

We've compiled a list of some of the best apps you can download for free or very affordably for mindfulness, relaxation, meditation and yoga practice!

At first, meditation or "shutting your mind off" is extremely difficult. But trust us, practice makes perfect. Some of these apps include 5 minute sessions. You could even fit that on a lunch break in the middle of a hectic day at work. Comment below if you find one you love or have any other suggestions we did not list below!

Apps for Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga

Name Description Price
Aura Meditations lasting 3 min, option to keep gratitude journal, track moods, nature sounds, also features daily challenges and leveling up Free
Breethe 5 minute guided meditations, offers tips throughout the day for overcoming pressure, feeling love, etc. Free
Buddhify Personalized meditation sessions based on the time or day or activity, i.e. falling asleep, work break, etc. $4.99
Headspace Spoken-word exercises for 10 min/day, shorter meditation options, includes deep breathing, guided imagery Initial 10 sessions are free
Pacifica Track your mood, activity level, and feelings, provides personalized guided meditation, deep-breathing and progressive muscle relaxation exercises Free
Happify Questions to track your happiness score, then makes suggestions to improve score, includes activities, games, writing exercises to improve happiness level Free
Relax Melodies Targets insomnias, pick a sound to help relax and fall asleep such as nature sounds, fan, white noise, etc. Free
Calm Guided meditations from 3 to 30 minutes, 5 min body scan, soothing nature sounds Free
Breathe2Relax Teaches “diaphragmatic breathing” based on how you are feeling, it will personalize a breathing exercise Free
Acupressure: Heal Yourself Illustrated guide to locate pressure points that for anxiety, muscle tension, headache, indigestion $1.99
Sleep Time Provides sleep analysis by placing phone in your bed Free
Stop, Breath, and Think Enter how you feel, it will suggest meditations, yoga sequences, or acupressure for that moment Free
Colorfy Adult coloring book, or upload personal sketches for coloring Free
Daily Yoga Over 50 workout plans with step-by-step instructions for all levels Free
Pocket Yoga Images, detailed voice and visual instructions to guide through poses and breathing, 27 session options $2.99
Yoga Studio 130 videos and meditations from 5 to 60 min, search based on intensity, ability and duration $2.99
5 Minute Yoga Simple app with 5 minute sessions  Free
Find What Feels Good: Yoga with Adriene Yoga with Adriene can also be found on YouTube Free trial for 100 hours of yoga videos

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash


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